Myths And Truths About CBD

Recently Cannabidiol, best known as CBD, has been receiving coverage in the media and even advertisements on using it in post-workout smoothies or morning coffee. But why is CBD suddenly so popular? How do you know what to believe? How do you know what’s true and what isn’t? Let’s debunk the myths and truths about CBD!

What Is the Difference Between Marijuana and Cannabidiol?

CBD is the second known extract from Cannabis. CBD gets extracted from the hemp plant directly, and it is an essential component of medical marijuana. The hemp plant is the cousin of the marijuana plant. However, as much as CBD is a derivative of marijuana, it doesn’t make you “high.”

According to a World Health Organization report, CBD causes no effects on addiction and abuse potential in human beings. No research has been substantial to date to show health issues caused by the use of pure CBD.

Is the Use of Cannabidiol Legal?

In certain parts of the United States, CBD is readily available. However, the legality of CBD status is in a state of flux. All 50 states have laws that allow CBD with different restrictions, and the federal government still considers CBD in the same category as marijuana. The FDA regulation in 2015 allowed researchers to conduct CBD tryouts.

Today, many people purchase CBD online without a medical cannabis license. The government’s take on CBD is conflicting since it depends on whether the CBD comes from marijuana or hemp. The CBD legalization process is supposed to change since there is a consensus in Congress to make hemp legal. If the legalization of the hemp crop passes and makes it legal, it will be tough to prohibit CBD usage. But for now, click here to learn more about how to pass a drug test with CBD!

Evidence of Health Benefits of Cannabidiol

CBD is known to cure a wide variety of health issues. However, its most robust cure evidence is its effectiveness in dealing with epilepsy syndromes. Syndromes such as Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndrome are stubborn and will not respond to anti-seizure medications.

In some studies, CBD reduced the recurrences of seizures, and in some cases stopped the attacks. Video clips on the effectiveness of CBD on children’s episodes are available on the internet for people to see. FDA recently approved cannabis-derived medicine for these conditions for the first time. Medications such as Epidolex contain CBD.

Anxiety is addressed commonly with CBD, and patients who suffer from a lack of sleep also can use CBD. CBD helps insomnia patients to sleep and stay asleep.

CBD also helps in providing options for treating different kinds of chronic pain. Studies from the European Journal of Pain show that applying CBD to the skin could help lower arthritis inflammation from animal models. CBD also proved to be a coping mechanism for neuropathic pain and inflammation, two complex types of chronic pain to treat. More studies are, however, needed to provide facts on CBD response to pain control.

Is CBD Safe?

CBD causes nausea, irritability, and fatigue. CBD can also make blood thinner, and it can raise the levels of other medications in one’s blood. A safety concern for CBD is that it’s sold as a supplement instead of a cure in the market. The FDA does not regulate the purity and safety of dietary supplements, so it is tough for a buyer to know if it has active ingredients or if the product contains banned substances. It is also uncertain to understand the therapeutic dose of CBD for any medical condition.

Some CBD manufacturers have been on government watch for claims that it can cure cancer, which is not valid. If you want to try CBD, you should consult with a trained doctor first.

Once you have done your research and are ready to purchase some high-quality CBD, check out our shop to stock up on some products!